Ocean Day 2006
Aerial Art coordinated by Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
with 1200 school children of San Francisco

Antarctic SOS
Aerial Art by John Quigley and assisted by Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
with a team of a scientific and cultural researchers from the Ice Lady Patagonia on behalf of Global Green USA.
February, 2006.
Photograph by Sebastian Copeland.

Arctic Warning
Aerial Art by John Quigley and assisted by Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
with 1000 Inuit as part of Arctic Wisdom a scientific and cultural briefing. Iqaluit, Nunavut.
April 22, 2005.

Native Vote
Aerial Art by John Quigley and assisted by Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
on behalf of the Forest County Potowatami Tribe, Wisconsin.
November 1, 2004.

Aerial Art by John Quigley and assisted byCarter Brooks of SpectralQ
on behalf of October 29, 2004.Photography by Carter Brooks

British Columbia
Aerial Art by John Quigley and assisted by Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
on behalf of Rainforest Action Network and others. Photography by Eric Slomanson. October 2004.

"Liberty Weeping"
New York City
Aerial Art Aerial Art by John Quigley and Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
on behalf of Code Pink (during the Republican National Convention.) August 2004.

Ocean Day 2004
Aerial Art coordinated by Carter Brooks of SpectralQ on behalf of the Headlands Institute and the California Costal Commission. Photography by Eric Slomanson. May 2004.

April 19, 2001 Clean Power Earth Day at Exposition Park-Los Angeles
Aerial Art by John Quigley and assisted by Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
Photography by Kathleen Masser.

Seattle Human Banner Project
Aerial Art by John Quigley and Carter Brooks of SpectralQ
l000 AFL CIO Union members make their message to begin the day dubbed N30. Later the city would erupt into a police riot.